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237 items found for ""

  • Don't Do as I Do. Do as I Say! (Part 3 of 4)

    So what is the "correct" quote? Don't Do as I Do. Do as I Say! or is it: Don't Do as I Say. Do as I Do! I then realized that historically speaking, I don't "care" which is the correct quote. Both are good - they drive a different point. * Don't Do as I Do. Do as I Say! Meaning, don't look at me. Listen to me. I may be acting differently than the way I teach, and while I may have more-or-less valid reasons for doing so (creating a gap between my actions and my lessons), and while the best way to teach people how to act/behave is by behaving that way ourselves, the bottom line is this - I have some reason for not behaving in a specific way. I hope it's a valid reason - BUT I implore you to behave in a different way (e.g. not repeat my mistakes...) Easy example: Don't smoke (though you see the teacher smoking). Tough example: Don't steal (though you see the teacher stealing). (Tomorrow, final installment about "Don't Do as I Say. Do as I Do!") #life #philosophy #reuven

  • Managing a User Feedback Crisis: Bad News, Creative Writing, Part 1 of 3

    To Wix Blog users, An update - not breaking news. Last month we provided a status-update on the Wix Blog, and one of the things we promised are updates... We've been quiet in the past couple of weeks since we don't want to prematurely set expectations, yet we do want to provide an update... any update. We've successfully increased the number of developers on our Blog team (and are still recruiting), and the team is working on nothing but the "multi-content-per-blog-post" feature. The complexity of the implementation (and the reason it's taking us longer than we all wish) is that the Blog "lives" in a very rich environment, and with many (many many) live Blogs out there. (To Be Continued...) #users #happiness

  • What's hard about writing 100-words-a-day?

    Well, now that I've exhausted Surmera, Assetov... ...and I still need to write 100 words a day. I can tell you one thing: it ain't easy. And yesterday I skipped my appointment, and I'm behind schedule and "owe" 100 words to the 100-words-a-day gods. I think I'm learning that the hard part is not the actual writing, but instead - finding the subject. I think I'll finally start on writing about my memories. Not sure the Blog is the best location to store them, and I'll need to talk to our Blog team and see whether "Export" is an option :-) since it's an option I may really want. #life #reuven

  • My Whiskey Shots Collection - How it all started... Part 1

    Here I was, in New York City, walking the streets with my significant other, who was busily looking for gifts for her friends - the ladies of the couples (and we're 8 couples). Seems like the ladies have this unwritten agreement that whenever one of them travels, they buy token-gifts to all others. And then it hit me! Why shouldn't we guys start the same? But on the other hand, we're guys, right? We do guys things, and we don't have patience to think "what would Joe really want me to buy him? And would James want the same? Or be happy with it?" (To be continued...) #reuven #whiskeyshotscollection

  • Managing a User Feedback Crisis: Bad News, Creative Writing, Part 3 of 3

    (Completed from Yesterday, and the Day Before) All of these will start as soon as we move multi-content into QA - since we're focusing all of the team on the multi-content blog post for images and video. In the March post we referred to our intention to deliver the multi-content feature over the next few months - and this is still the intention. I hope my next update, within a month, will be a call to early-access volunteers, those of you who are sticking with the Blog and are willing to help validate the multi-content feature we're working on is all we expect it to be. Thank you for your support, passion and for pushing us to be better. Reuven #users #happiness

  • Managing a User Feedback Crisis? No News or Bad News?

    So, it's been 6 months since our annoyed Blog users have been complaining about lack of support for multiple-images (and/or multiple-video etc. - in general - multi-content) blog-posts... We've handled this in not-the-best way, to say the least. First, acknowledging the lack of the feature (that's ok), then sharing early designs (not too bad) - then doing nothing in 4 months... Finally (March 11, '14), we "sacrificed" a high-profile answer (by NirZ) explaining some of what we can improve on, referring to the initial (Oct'13) release of the Blog as a "Beta release", and explaining how we're trying to recruit... How a company of scale sometime has issues etc. And then, 4 weeks of silence, while the users continue staying frustrated - and uninformed. This goes against Rule #5 of Surmera Assetov - Bad News are Good. Black Holes are Bad. Working on getting some answer out there. Will be drafting some ideas for tomorrow's post. #users #happiness

  • Take-a-Note: Deep Linking & "un-select blinking", Part 1

    More on my Take-a-Note adventures. So this took me onto a roller-coaster of excitement (if late-night coding is exciting to you) as I was trying to figure out the best way to architecture my app, to allow for a Note Recorder VC, Notes List VC, and Note Details VC to be deep linked. I started with Recorder being the root VC. (Hint: I ended up with Recorder being the root VC...) I was looking how to deep-link, as a result of the user asking for details of a note (e.g. from the notification center). To be continued... #product #takeanote

  • Rule #6: The Walkthrough

    Yesterday, we outlined the slide of rule #6... Today, lets talk about what it all means (though I hope it's quite self explanatory). My bullet-points mainly refer to how stupid it is to work in a committee, where everyone has an opinion, but no one has accountability or even responsibility. On the other hand, I more interested in the Team. Teams have Stakeholders while Committees have Placeholders. The team can support the individual members, and effectively achieve power-in-numbers (even if small numbers). And when all team members are committed to the team, the passion and the stakeholder-mentality is what can make the Team successful. * I write "can make the team successful" since there are still other factors... Like the previous 5 rules...But Rule #6 is an important building block. #philosophy #product #surmeraassetov #סורמרעעשהטוב #life #reuven

  • Take-a-Note, part II

    It's 11pm, and I'm almost missing yet-another-day... It's so hard finding the content for writing. Anyway, more on Take-a-Note for iOS 7. I'm basically re-writing from scratch, including a new Wix-based website (like, duh?). The only piece of code I'm really re-using is the Notes Data Model, the piece of code that manages the the notes on disk and in memory - this is what should allow me to correctly upgrade my users. I should say, the new app looks very nice, and I really like the new "flat" design (very minimalistic, mostly sticking to iOS built-in widgets) and the new icon (thank you Navot Porat of the Wix Design Studio), see attached... #product #takeanote

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