When Apple shipped the first Apple Watches, they offered many beautiful, interactive and configurable watch faces (FWIW, as was standard for all smart watches... Apple wasn't the first to invent it). The complete watch face list can be found at Apple's site.
With the Apple Watch Ultra, they introduced a new watch face, Wayfinder, which offers many complications, to really make the use of Apple Watch Ultra standout.

But, they also introduced a WWTT moment - What Were They Thinking???
You see, with all this smartness, one day I noticed my watch arms (you know, those things pointing at the hour/minutes/seconds) became noticeably shorter... (see image below)

I did notice that I also got a live compass reading (something I didn't ask for, but was nice...) - but I really preferred the longer arms...
Like most users, I thought I did something wrong and somehow messed up with the Watch settings. So I started looking into the Watch app settings, trying to figure out what I need to reconfigure to make the arms longer again. Or make the compass go away.
Couldn't find anything in the app.
Looked into the Watch settings (on the watch) - and still couldn't find anything.
Still short arms. So now what?
I did what any user does when stumped with a technology product - and restarted the watch, hoping the short arms would go away.
But to no avail. Still short arms.
I really hated the short arms (and wasn't too keen on the compass that came with them), so I gave up on the Wayfinder watch face, and set another watch face.
And thought - maybe if now I set back the Wayfinder watch face, it'll have the long arms again?
Tried it. Still short arms. Now what?
Truly gave up. Moved to another watch face. Forgot about it.
Until, one day, what reading about watch face features (at Apple's site, link above), I noticed the following "hidden-yet-obviously-documented" feature of the Wayfinder watch face:
...when you tap the outer edges of the Wayfinder watch face (the ring that displays minutes or hours), it becomes a compass and your current latitude and longitude coordinates appear within the ring.
(And needless to say, your watch arms will also become shorter... until you tap again, when the compass will go away - and the arms will grow back!)
So, great feature - but why not make it more obvious? Or easier to turn off? Or at least reset when switching to another watch face and back? Or when restarting the watch?
Or some other cooler more Apple way. Why make it so hard to find?